If at any time during the process that you may need assistance, you can click the "Support" link along the left or right side of the screen and email your question(s) to our technical support team, or you can email Minot Area Dollars for Scholars at minot.dollarsforscholars@gmail.com


Completing your profile on the Minot Area Dollars for Scholars website will give you access not only to our scholarships but scholarships offered by North Dakota Dollars for Scholars and nationwide scholarships offered by Scholarship America.  Although our scholarships are not needs based, many others are. For this reason, we recommend that you consider completing the financial section of your application to ensure your eligibility for as many scholarships as possible. 


Scholarship Clipart


All the information needed for your application is in your profile. Once you have created an account, you simply click on the "Work on Profile" link on your dashboard and you can start entering your information.  As you complete a section, you will notice that the bar to the left of the section title turns green.  You can skip from one section to another, but remember that your profile is not complete until all sections have a green bar beside their title.  You can also check your progress on your dashboard.  Once your dashboard indicates you are 100% complete and you can see that your transcript and recommendation information shows "submitted," your application is complete!  You are able to submit your application without it being 100% complete.  For example: you choose not to provide financial information.  We recommend that you follow up with your counselor or other reference if the status of these are not showing as "submitted" on your dashboard.

By clicking on the "Search for Scholarships" link in the "My Scholarship" section, you can see a list of scholarships we have determined you may be eligible to receive based on your profile.  You may be asked to answer some additional eligibility questions before your list appears.  Once all the necessary information for a particular scholarship is completed, the "submit app" button will be unlocked for you.  Once you are satisfied with all of your profile information, you can click that button to submit your application.  You can make changes to your profile after you have submitted your application up until the application deadline has passed.